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Curriculum Statement of Intent

Curriculum Statement of Intent

 To ensure that our school is authentically and distinctively Catholic, we are called to be witness to a living Catholic Faith by being at the heart of the community through the ethos we create and the environment, curriculum and experiences we provide.

‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10'

At SS Osmund and Andrew’s,  we believe that we know our children and our families very well. Our curriculum has been carefully structured to meet the needs of our school context; to enable all our children to overcome barriers and develop knowledge and understanding across all subjects in a structured and sequential manner.

Language, communication and reading is at the heart of our learning. We offer a highly structured programme for phonics teaching alongside the development of higher order reading skills, the deliberate sharing of the highest quality literature and the development of explicit opportunities to broaden and deepen vocabulary. Reading opportunities are planned into a wide range of subjects and this underpins the success of our broad and balanced curriculum.

The intent of our curriculum is to develop a can-do attitude to learning, a lifelong enjoyment and desire to learn and a resilience when faced with difficulties. We provide additional experiences beyond the classroom to inspire the learning journey and raise aspirations. It makes meaningful links with our children’s community as well as our country and the world and enables the children to understand the purpose and value of their learning and see its relevance to their past, present and future.

We have very high expectations for all of our children and their standards of attainment, progress and achievement. Children are taught the skills to enable them to access learning that is challenging, exciting, interesting and creative. We aim to teach all our children how to question, reason, be critical, self- aware and to be motivated. We do this through a coherently planned and sequenced curriculum that not only builds on previous learning, but also prepares our children for success in future education.


Our curriculum is developed so our children can draw clear links between different aspects of their learning. They will learn within a coherent and progressive framework which will explore the breadth and depth of the national curriculum. This curriculum will help children to develop new skills through a variety of interesting contexts and rich and deep subject knowledge. Our curriculum has been designed vertically, to ensure progression of knowledge, challenge and skills over time. We have designed a broad and balanced coverage for each year group for all subjects that will develop long term recall of facts and skills that are built on prior knowledge which in turn, develops a detailed schemata.


Our children will be able to demonstrate skills such as problem solving, creativity and communication. They will have a life-long thirst for learning and make a positive contribution to the school, local community and beyond.