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This year’s GIFT team are proud and ready to serve after their Missioning Service. 

This appointment is an invitation, a calling from God who has chosen each one of you to be his close friends, his disciples and to bear joyful witness to his love in this school and amongst your families and friends. 

GIFT ‘Growing in Faith Together’ Pupil Chaplaincy Team

The role of the Gift Team is to serve and support the Catholic Life of the School so that we live as witnesses to Jesus Christ.

Recruitment begins in Summer term by the existing GIFT Team so that they can be ‘Missioned’ by Fr Heakin and ready to start their work in Autumn term.  Children are selected to join the team from Year 5. They remain as GIFT Team members as they move into Year 6 and are included in the recruitment and training of the new year 5 GIFT Team members.

The GIFT Team can easily be recognised by the school community because they wear royal blue jumpers proudly. The GIFT Team is supported by the GIFT Teams coordinator, Mr Graves 

Key Aims

  • Give joyful witness of Christ in our school

  • To support the school in emphasising its spirituality and Catholicity as set out in the school’s    mission statement;

  • Provide support for staff in the delivery of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils across the curriculum

  • To support and encourage the school’s pastoral care for the whole school, pupils, staff and parents. 

  • Assist with the delivery and development of the prayer life of the school by supporting and delivering assemblies, class prayer times and prayer groups

  • Develop the use of the chapel/prayer room/ sacred spaces or areas, for all staff

  • Develop outreach work and supporting local, national and international charities e.g. Caritas Diocese of Salford, CAFOD; working for change and being the change makers

  • Be ambassadors for the school in school, in the parish and in other schools

As members of The GIFT team, we have a very important job to spread the Word of God throughout our school and the school community. It is our mission to interpret scripture so that children can better understand stories from the Bible and relate them to their own lives.

The GIFT team have a very high profile in school through our weekly prayer clubs, leading the prayers in our own classrooms, helping deliver whole school liturgy and collective worship, welcoming visitors and new pupils to our school and organising liturgical events.

We work hard to promote our Catholic faith in school.

This year, we’ve raised over £400 for McMillan Nurses by inviting the community to our cake sale. During Remembrance we held a moving whole school Liturgy. In our weekly prayer and craft clubs, we talked to the youngest children in our school about Lent and how we can be closer to God during this special liturgical time. We organised key stage assemblies by CAFOD to talk to us about how we can help the Pope to protect our ‘Common Home’.